All Programming must be update, as is the case with MK ULTRA Mind Control
I recently released an article where I discuss the symbology of Epstein Survivors who were all using the Blue Butterfly symbol in one way or another.
Further research brought up two options for what this symbol might mean within this context. One would be a Kabbalist symbol representing Lilith who was the female aspect of Satan, alongside her male counterpart Samael. The second option could be the Greek Goddess ‘Psyche’ or ‘Psyche’ in its Roman version, pictured below.
Lilith is said to have been a Butterly-like demon who transformed/Shape-shifted into a blue butterfly that was associated with power of seduction. This would make sense if it was a symbol for mind control programming of Epstein victims. Lilith is also believed to be the snake wound around the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil by some Kabbalist’ who also regard the this tree as the tree of death.
Juliette Bryant explained to me in an interview for Classified on that she believed it to be a representation of Psyche. Psyche is a Greek Goddess of the soul who is often represented as a beautiful women with butterfly wings.
Psyche was born a mortal woman who was eventually granted immortality. This would also fit in with the Transhumanist agenda. An agenda that I personally believe a select few of these young ladies to have been unwitting victims of whilst staying at Epstein’s Zorro Ranch in New Mexico.
This is a ranch at which Juliette says she woke up one night, naked and paralysed on an operating table.
Could it be both?
Perhaps these programmes have both a negative and a positive charge, that can be tapped into at will by the abuser who holds the trigger codes? or perhaps the decoder (abuser) can access previous operating systems if they need to access them ?
System Update
I wanted to put this information and theory to someone who has decades of experience with government mind control programmes. So I turned to Stewart Swerdlow who’s been speaking out against such experiments (in time) as the Montauk Project for decades, after being inducted into the programme as a child. His grandfather was the first leader of the Soviet Union Yakov Sverdlov .
Stewarts fascinating books go into detail about these experiments and what they mean in the grand scheme of things. But for those who have not heard of the Montauk Project here is a little outline.
The Montauk Project covers a series of possible United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk, New York, for the purpose of developing psychological warfare techniques and exotic research including time travel.
Stewart has written numerous books on the subject and his website is full of further information which I would highly recommend. It is well known that the CIA did conduct experiments of this nature throughout the US and Canada, under the evil eye of such characters as Dr Ewan Cameron. Dr Cameron was a Scottish psychiatrist who performed inhumane experiments as part of the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control programmes.
I wanted to see what Stewart made of the connection between the blue butterfly symbology used by Epstein’s survivors and wether he thought they had any connection to either Lilith or Psych ?
Classified System Updates
Stewart joined me for a recent Classified episode which can be seen in full on When I presented him with my evidence to back up my theory that these women may have been subjected to some sort of MK Ultra mind control programming as part of a Transhumanist experiment, his replied opened up a vast new avenue of research for me.
Not only did Stewart agree that the blue butterfly symbology was evidence of mind control programming but that the blue butterfly is actually old programming and that this programming has been updated for the current generation of monarch mind control slaves.
Stewart believes that the current programming uses a Neon Green Butterfly which can be seen in the imagery used for the medical product Lunesta which is “used to treat a certain sleep problem (insomnia)”. This of course fits right in with essence of mind control and the zombie like state they want theses women to be in.
Below is a clip for the Classified episode where Stewart describes the latest MK Ultra update. After the interview I continued my own research and it did not take long to find the Neon Green Luna Programming evident in a young lady who bares many of the signs of Hollywood/Satanic Mind Control, Billie Eilish.
Stewart also described how many of these mind control victims later go on to attempt and even commit suicide after their programming and usefulness to the cult begins to fade.
So it was to not a surprise that I found an article where Billie Eilish describes how she contemplated suicide at the age of 17.
The article released in 2020 describes how Billie says she contemplated suicide when the “pressure of fame became too much” leading her to consider jumping from her hotel room in Berlin.
Of course it can be said that these sort of thoughts are fairly normal at this age, but it is interesting none the less. Billie seems like a really nice young lady and I wish her all the best in an industry which won’t even blink at chewing up and spitting out another young talented artist like herself.
Control - Alt -Delete
One of the most famous women to be subjected to mind control programming would be Cathy O’Brien who I have interviewed many times for my shows throughout the years, including Classified. (see clip below)
I believe it was Cathy who first coined the term "Presidential Model”. This is a programming mode that was used to lock state secrets into the minds of the individual (sort of like a human USB Drive) who would then be trafficked to the President or his aids to deliver secret information that only the person with the “Code Words” could extract. These code words would also trigger the young women into a sex slave alter that would then be used by the recipient of the information.
Cathy’s own programming goes back to the late 1950’s and at this stage it seems that the programmers were using the Monarch Butterly as the symbol to compartmentalise the minds of these child victims. The colour of the monarch Butterly is primarily orange and black.
You can read her fascinating story in her first book ‘Trance-formation of America” and her follow up book Access Denied, both of which I would highly recommend.
Cathy’s wesbite is a where you will find decades of investigative research into this subject as well as her podcasts and videos.
Since then there may have been many updates on the mind control presidential model, each using a new colour or design of butterfly as the update is coded into the victim.
In 1997 Mariah Carey (Married to Tommy Mottolla of Sony) was pictured holding the classic Monarch butterfly on the cover of her album ‘Butterly’. This was her 6th Studio album so she was already deeply entrenched in the Masonic Music Television (MTV) industry by then. Michael Jackson later accused Tommy Mottolla of controlling (handling) Mariah.
One of the original Presidential Models in my opinion was Marilyn Monroe, who was once quoted as saying “A girl should be like a butterfly - pretty to see, hard to catch”.
I would decode this to mean that the sex slave was easy on the eye whilst being a full proof way of sharing secret government information without ever being caught.
Another of these presidential models may well have been Madonna, who bared all the signs in the late 80’s of being under the influence of Illuminati mind control.
Update To Date
You might well be thinking, why in the world has Richard got a picture of Lady Gaga (Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta) with Joe Biden and Julian Assange as the article image? what does any of this have to do with MK Ultra butterfly mind control ?
In the UK right now we are in the middle of the final hearing of wether political prisoner Julian Assange will be extradited to the US where he will most certainly spend the rest of his life in jail. Julian is in prison for daring to actually do the job an independent journalist and tell the truth about the war crimes committed by the US, during its invasions of the Middle East. All part of the Project for The New American Century of course, which is in reality just a small part of a wider agenda for a new Solomons Temple on Temple Mount and a lunatic Kabbalist ‘World To Come’.
What fascinated me is why in the world was Lady Gaga, a US singer and actor being invited to visit Julian whilst he was living in the Ecuador embassy in the UK? and to add to that why was she dressed as a black witch, whilst he was dressed down in a white T Shirt?
This was in 2012 and was sold as a scene where Lady Gaga just popped in for a cup of tea and a quick chat after visiting Harrods in London.
What is more bizarre than the witch costume is that is was Lady Gaga herself who sang current US President Joe Biden into office a few years later in in 2021 singing the Star Spangled Banner, whilst dressed like the female villain Effie Trinket from The Hunger Games movies.
Could this be another case of a Presidential Model being used as a go between ?
I think it’s a fair question to ask, as this would be a clear back channel between Assange and the US Government.
Add to this the butterfly symbology that Lady Gaga can be seen with in her own branding and marketing campaigns as well as her regular dark occult performances, this author has to ask some serious questions as to how and for what reasons would a pop singer like Lady Gaga be allowed to visit a US political prisoner ? and then later be asked to sing for the President supposed to be in charge of the country keeping him in political prisoner!
Perhaps Lady Gaga is one of the first butterfly Models to be programmed with multiple updates and persona’s ? Perhaps she’s just an incredible artist who likes butterfly’s ?
Lady Gaga was later asked by US President Joe Biden Named Co-Chair of President Biden’s Committee on the Arts and the Humanities.

So many questions.
Remember to do your own research and come to your own conclusions
Richard Willett