One of the most controversial aspects of the Chabad Lubavitch sect is the embracing of modern technology. Indeed they even lay claim to being one of the first 500 websites to appear on the internet.
Where many Hasidic Jewish sects keep themselves separate from the secular world, the Chabad sect are out on a Friday afternoon on the streets of New York asking passers by if “they are jewish” with the implication that if your mother and grandmother were of the Jewish faith then you are also! yes its nonsensical.
So why do they break from other Orthodox Hasidic groups and embrace modern technology? Although they still do not watch mainstream TV and only read “Jewish” literature. But the actual tech itself, they will use if they believe it will help bring about their aims and objectives.
We know the main aims of the Chabad sect are the following:
Build The Third Temple of Solomon In Jerusalem
Gather all the lost Sparks (Jews) in Israel
Implement the Greater Israel Project
Await the return of the Messiah
Create Human 2.0 to serve the 12 Lost Tribes
Live with the Messiah in the New Jerusalem/Zion for 1,000 years
Bring about the 8th day, the World To Come/New World Order
Of course that is a somewhat crude overview of their aims and objectives but you get the picture.
So these guys will use any tool at their disposal to get the job done. Wether that be genetic experimentation, the likes of which Jeffery Epstein was interested and reportedly deeply involved with under his New Mexico Ranch and private Island, or Elon Musks brain chip/intravenous implanted transhumanist technology, or even Quantum Computing, they will happily use it.
D Wave stands for “an electronic wave function of the d atomic orbital” the most famous of which is the D Wave System. D Wave was allegedly created by (amongst others) a chap named Geordie Rose. D Waves early customers include Lockhead Martin, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Google/Nasa.
The fact that the Los Alamos National Lab is only a short distance from Epstein’s Zorro Ranch should be of extreme interest to anyone trying to uncover what these Messianic lunatics are up too underground as New Mexico appears to be a hotbed of occult activity.
The basically explanation of what a D Wave Quantum Computer does is that instead of problem solving in Bits, it solves the problems in Qubits or Quantum Bits. This means that instead or running solutions at the I/O value they can do this within that value and run thousands of simulations at one time.
Today's computers, like a Turing machine, work by manipulating bits that exist in one of two states: a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers aren't limited to two states; they encode information as quantum bits, or qubits, which can exist in superposition. Qubits represent atoms, ions, photons or electrons and their respective control devices that are working together to act as computer memory and a processor. Because a quantum computer can contain these multiple states simultaneously, it has the potential to be millions of times more powerful than today's most powerful supercomputers. - Computer/
This means that if you have a solution or end goal you want to come to, Say a Messianic Agenda for a New World Oder, then you can run thousands of simulations at one time through the quantum computer to see which one will give you the outcome you want with the least output of energy.
The output/Energy in the case of this Messianic cult would be their ruler, Cronus which is time. They are governed by Saturn/Time which is Cronus and they want to over come this because they know their time is running out.
The most mind bobbling things is, this is being done in real-time, with everything that is entered into the internet.
This is possibly also why the Chabad controlled Donald Trump is so desperate to get rid of the concept of Daylight Saving Time. With all he has on his plate as the next president, why bother with something seemingly so insignificant?
Well take it from a Willett who’s Great Great Grandfather William Willett pushed through the concept of Daylight Saving Time to save millions of lives during WW2 because of lighting and heating saved. The money from which went on armaments and food supplies for the people of England. This has more to do with an alchemical and occult principle than meets the eye. I can’t lay claim to understanding it fully but it sure annoys Donald Trump and his Messianic sect, so I am all up for that. William Willett was also a Grand Master Mason and would have known of these teachings.
This has far more to do with them attempting to bring about their new Golden Age of Saturn than stopping the annoyance of having to mess with your digital clocks twice a year.
So that being said, the use of D Wave Quantum Computers would allow this Messianic sect and the overarching Death Cult to find the quickest way to achieve their outcome, which is their Messianic Era and World To Come or New World Order.
Of course its pretty blatant that the computer itself is based on the Black Cube of Saturn or the Land of Nod, that becomes the home of the banished Cain after he killed his brother Abel. This was a land of chaos, with no coordinates except for the central Black Sun, yes the same Black Sun the Nazi’s took a fancy too.
Remember these are all archetypes or meme’s that they use to represent a specific thought process, as in computer process. The Black Sun in the land of nod is the inversion of the sun we have in our sky, so above as below.
You will notice that there are 12 compartments inside the Black Sun, which would line up with the Zodiac and the 12 months of the year. Many researchers believe the biblical texts are in part a farmers almanac which is essentially a manual on how to survive the seasons.
It is also pretty apparent that the Black Sun logo is a maze or labyrinth. A labyrinth of dead ends and corridors, that could do with a quantum computer to allow those trapped inside to find the quickest and most efficient way to escape.
Indeed, all of this energy saving human caused climate change nonsense dreamt up by the Club of Rome can be applied to the Time Saving value of figuring out the most effeciant and quickest way to bring about their Golden Age.
It can also be compared to “Saving The Energy” trapped inside the Kabbalah concept of the Kelipot which is a husk formed around the “divine spark” trapped within. To some the divine spark means a “Jewish Soul’ and the Kelipot is the “Gentile Soul” trapping it within. The Kabbalah Tanya teaches that there are two distinct soul species, one of the line of Cain and other the line of Seth.
Yes, it appears to me that at the apex of this Messianic end times death cult, they believe they are “freeing the spark of divinity” in each human being, depending on the layer of husks, of which they believe there are 2, with 1 layer of this 2 actually containing 3 layers within itself……yes they create a maze of confusion to protect what they are actually up to.
(Only the Kelipot Nogah (Hogan) can be refined and uplifted)
This is perhaps why the cult placed the “Liberty Flame/Eternal Flame" at the memorial sites of both Princess Diana and JFK. They we both “set free” from their husks. This is how this death cult justify mass murder and genocide to themselves.
Remember this is NOT all aspects of the Jewish faith, not even close. This is the extreme end of a Kabbalistic sect who follow Jewish mystics and mysticism which rose to prominence around the 13th Century, but is based on the ancient alchemical teachings of the mystery schools, going perhaps as far back as the Maya Culture or even Atlantis, if it did indeed exist at all.
This knowledge is our birthright, every single human being on earth. Not just for a select few to use to manipulate you with. What we are revealing is yours to have and to hold.
At this level the Messianic sects of the Jewish faith interlock with the same or similarly aligned beliefs of all secret societies, from the Jesuits to the highest level go the Freemasons who are in reality The Knights Templar and The Crown. Of course they all argue amongst each other about who will get to lead the New World, they are all psychopaths and sociopaths after all.
The Crown in Kabbalah is called the “Keter” and is the highest level of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Corona is also another word meaning Crown. Some believe that it is The Black Nobility and Papal Nobility bloodlines that make up the crown, I would be inclined to agree at present.
Google Willow
D Wave are not the only quantum computers available of course, and it is my view that these different aspects of the transhumanist cult are going to be combined in the Temple of Solomon when the final push begins.
The Alphabet agency Google have just announced the released of a far superior quantum computer to D Wave which they call “Google Willow”. This computer is able to run thousands of more simulations at a time that its previous incarnations, this savies time/Kronus when the cult is figuring out and setting up their next play.
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