They want you to believe you are weak broken Creature, their system is powered by it.
In a recent broadcast conspiracy researcher and presenter of InfoWars Alex Jones went on a rant that culminating in him throwing his hands up in the air and admitting defeat to the New World Order.
In a hyperbolic rant Alex says “I am a weak, broken creature and a sinner” and goes on to ask “God” to direct and lead him. He also asks whatever God he is calling on to give him “sanity” and “make him a good person”.
Now I cannot tell you weather Alex actually believes this or not, and I am not one to dismiss Alex in anyway, he has clearly done some fantastic work over the decades. He and others such as David Icke, Bill Hicks, Jordan Maxwell, Dean Henderson, Max Igan and many others had paved the way for people such as myself. I actually have a lot of respect for Alex and I believe he should be respected for his decades of work.
With that being said, this rhetoric only serves to disempower his followers. Alex goes on to say “God shows the way like a light, you have to follow the path”. Alex then quotes lyrics from a song by The Doors. The Doors named themselves after the Aldous Huxley book “The Doors of Perception” which is a book about the veil between this world and the next. Aldous Huxley was a deep initiate of the Global Babylonian Cult as was his brother Julian Huxley who was a well known eugenicist.
I discussed with with Gareth Icke on our weekly WTAF Podcast. In my view this persistent messaging that humanity is somehow weak, defective and in need of saving is a way of the cult slithering into your subconscious and convincing you that you have no power.
In reality, as I will discuss later on this article, you are the only power source in this Cybernetic system. And they have tricked us into creating these demonic entities ourselves.
What I see happening across the board in the alternative media and the Cult created Mainstream Alternative Media (MAM) as David Icke calls it, is a slow pivot towards handing your sovereign power over to something else. Be that a religion (Russell Brand) or some unattainable God figure, or even to a fake invasion from an alien race who are being positioned as our fathers, creators and saviours.
I discuss the subject of savour aliens with author and former Archdeacon of the Anglican Church Paul Wallis in the clip below from my Classified show on
It is my belief that the congressional hearings on the Babylonian cult owned Capitol (Capitoline) Hill in Washington DC functioned as soft sell or coming out party for when these aliens will be shuffled out into the sunlight claiming to be our creators, loving parents and therefore our new masters.
I believe this is also the function behind the Ancient Aliens series, much of which I believe to be true in the sense of the actual evidence, but the narrative is being twisted.
I believe we are being conditioned to see ourselves as weak, broken, vulnerable, stupid and useless human sinners who need saving…..oh do fuck off!
This is a satanic inversion of what I believe to be the truth. I believe human beings are an aspect of the only true spark of creativity which some call God consciousness, but I call creativity.
Selling us the lie that we are useless sinners functions as an input source into the cybernetic loop that tricks us into creating our own trap!
What is Cybernetics
I have to give credit here to a fantastic author and researcher
for introducing me to the concept of Cybernetics. His books Cybernetic Messiah and The Alchemic Tech Revolution are outstanding. Over the years I have interviewed Wayne a number of times and found him to be a fantastic researcher as well as someone who is able to look at the vast vista of information and come at it all from the scope of all possibility. He is also one of the nicest guys you would ever wish to have a conversation with.So what is Cybernetics?
Simply put Cybernetics is the study of systems.
This can be viewed as the study of how everything works.
Think of a Swiss Watch, it is the placing of the cogs, the winding mechanisms and the way they interact, that creates the overall system that ticks it over. This is Cybernetics and when you start to understand it you can see how even intelligence agencies such as the CIA and FBI, Mossad and MI5/MI6 seed information into this system to turn the cogs of deception on humanity and even each other.
In other words, this is the study of how things work and how everything is manipulated.
So with this in mind let’s take a look at the input/output effect of convincing human beings that they are weak, broken sinners who need saving. What do you think will be the print out at the end of this cybernetic system?
Human beings will come to believe that we are weak, frail and broken and that we just can’t hack life itself so we must all need saving. And then we will hand our power over to a governing body, king, saviour or ruler and thus become weak frail and broken.
This is how it works, this is the scam! But it cannot work without your energy.
This type of cybernetic mind control leaves the door open for us to create this reality by behaving in this manner and giving our creative power away whilst also leaving the door wide open for a manipulative and demonic entity to come in and control us.
We invite the demon in…….in fact we create them.
Enter The Archons and the Demons
So now we have a basic understanding of the scam, suddenly we can understand that the belief in our own frailty creates this frailty within us.
I think therefore I am…….
These Black Nobility snake brotherhood families understand this. They understand the study of systems and this understanding was a fundamental (mental) part of the creation of their Babylonian Beast system. The same system that mocks the common man today with its symbology in Washington DC, The City of London and The Vatican.
Once they have convinced you that you are weak, you become weakened. This leaves the door open for the Vampires because they must be invited in. These entities need your compliance and the only way to do that is to trick you into thinking that you need them!
As we will discuss later on, this is an inversion of the true cybernetic nature of reality as some have been trying to tell you through movies such as The Matrix and Monsters Inc.
The power source is you. You and I are the only power source in this system. We are and aspect of the original and only free energy and these demons use our energy to power their system, because they understand Cybernetics.
The Archons of the Gnostic belief system are said to be the foot soldiers of the creator of this fake “Matrix” reality. These demonic beings who are often depicted as reptilian and feed off the fear of human beings.
We know ancient sacrificial practices go back to the Egyptian priest class and these rituals are still being practiced today. These rituals provide the loosh (fear) energy for their off world masters. These rituals are being performed by some of the most famous families in the world still to this day.
In Gnostic Cosmology the cybernetic system that many would call The Matrix or the Simulation, places the human at its centre as the main power sources. Some call this reality a fear farm, believing that this reality was created specifically for the purpose of squeezing humanity to power the system.
The American anthropologist and writer Carlos Castaneda would write about his conversations with a man named Don Jaun, a Yaqui Sorcerer and a Shaman.
Carlos claims Don said of these demonic entities:
“It was an energetic fact of Ancient Mexico. They took us over because we are food for them. And they squeeze us mercilessly” and “What I’m saying is that what we have against us is not simple predator. It is very smart, and organised. It follows a methodical system to render us useless” - The Children of the Matrix David Icke
Again we see that human beings are at the centre of this cybernetic system. The entire system cannot function without us!
The Power Source is You
In the Matrix Movies Morpheus famously describes humans as batteries that power the Matrix itself. In this gnostic like concept the robots have constructed a sub reality that relies on the human body pumping out electricity to keep this system going. Morpheus says that the human body generates more bio electricity than a 120 volt battery and over 25,000 BTU’s of body heat. He says that “combined with a form of fusion” the machines had found all the energy they would ever need.
In the Monster Inc movies their reality is powered from the fear (loose) generated by the Monsters as they terrify the chidden. This is an obvious nod to the satanic rituals carried out by these ancient Illuminati bloodlines at place such as The Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium.
What most people do not realise is that both of these movie examples put the human being at the centre of their systems. We are the only true and connected power source these demons have, so in both of the Hollywood (Satanic) examples the human being is the most valuable and crucial component that keeps the system going.
This is the secret that they do not want you to know……they need you to survive. And they despise you for it.
A Cybernetic Example
If this still sound a little bit out there, let me break it down to something material for you. All this talk of Archons and demonic entities maybe clouding over the simplicity of how a cybernetic system works.
Everything that is not natural such as the plants, water, air and life is manmade. From the car you drive, to the laptop you are reading this on, or the shed in your garden. All of the these objects started off as an image in a human beings minds eye, every single one of them.
They were born form a human idea.
Nothing in this material world is created without human input at the start of the process. Some may argue that Artificial Intelligence proves this not to be true! Well who created the systems for A.I to function within? human beings did. Human beings designed the matrix of artificial intelligence and it is my belief that the rumours of A.I becoming sentient is yet another way of these satanists trying to convince you that you are dispensable.
Even the technology you created is smarter than you!…..Oh do fuck off, again!
So very simply , the Cybernetic system of creation is:
The vision in the human minds eye (Idea)
The gathering of resources (Preparation)
The testing of the system (Perfection)
The creation of the material “thing” (Product)
The effect that material “thing” has on the world (Function)
This entire system runs on human energy.
It is my belief that these dark occultists want you to forget this. They want you to believe that you are a product of this system when in fact you are the only power source that keeps it going.
These satanists do this via the power of suggestive programming. They use religions, movies, the media, ancient texts, modern psychology, propaganda and straight out emotional abuse to convince you that you are at the mercy of this Babylonian beast system. Once they have convinced this is true then you are at the mercy of this system because your belief in your own powerlessness creates the powerlessness itself.
It is a feedback loop.
If they can get enough human beings to believe they are weak, broken stupid sinners who need a saviour or god like entity, then this creates what is know as an Egregore
An Egregore is an esoteric concept that a non physical entity can be created by collective thoughts.
Again at it’s core the concept of an Egregore shows that these beings or entities can only exist if enough human beings give it their collective power (energy) through group consciousness.
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